Many different ranges of pottery mugs. Produced to make your drink of tea or coffee really enjoyable.
In addition to being affordable gifts for many different occasions.
Designs that can be appreciated by everyone of all ages.
Particularly the Paul Cardew story book themed mugs and cups and saucers. Including Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. Together with many other well known designs.
Additionally the Cardew “Cat Tea” and “Man’s Best Friend” designs. Are a great favourite with cat lovers and dog lovers.
Then we have the range of Moorland Pottery Mugs. Including their range of “Trust Me” Mugs. Hand made and decorated in Stoke on Trent. These are range of mugs aimed at a large number of trades and professions. And are proudly used in the workplace.
Equally important are the range of Museum Collection Mugs. Produced in Staffordshire Fine China by CD Heritage in Stoke on Trent. Designs inspired in the arts and crafts style. Inspired by William Morris and Walter Crane.
Furthermore a number of other makes and designs of pottery mugs are also available.
Browse now to find pottery mugs that will look great in your kitchen. As well as finding a very affordable gift